Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Couple of Good Leadership Articles

Ever wonder what the common denominators are for people who constantly achieve ther goals and continously move forward? Heidi Grant Halverson points out a few in the following article


Here is another article that I liked which talks about ethical leadership. One of the main take aways I got from this article is that I need to decide what action I will take before I am ever faced with an ethical dillemma. For example; choosing to not lie in a job interview (and overstate responsibilities and performance) beforehand will help one be true to that value rather than waiting to make that decision during the interview.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

List of 30 Things We Need and Dont Need by Tony Schwartz

My colleague sent me the following artice by Tony Schwartz which I found to be very insightful. It is a great list of things we can get rid of in our lives (and make life simpler!), and meaningful things we can expect more of from ourselves. It will take you 2 minutes to read this!


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Discover Your Genius by Michael J. Gelb

Michael J. Gelb focuses our attention on 10 people who revolutionized our world and the way we see, think, and interact with the world in his book; Discover Your Genius. In a masterful way Gelb uses the life work of these 10 revolutionaries to shed light on very specific qualities these geniuses honed and used to accomplish their life work. Gelb then goes a step further by providing exercises we can do to make those genius qualities ours.

I gained several key insights that helped me understand my life mission in a better light, and also know how I can better accomplish that life mission. From Columbus I learned how to sail perpendicular to the coastline in order to discover a new world. Gandhi taught and inspired me how to control my appetites. Plato has taught me to appreciate and seek out true beauty. In fact my favorite exercise in the book is in the chapter on Plato where Gelb challenges one to write 100 questions, in one setting- stream of consciousness style, of what is important to you. I was able to do this exercise over a couple hours while my wife and I spent a serene couple days in a Forest Service cabin in Idaho. During this quiet time, unencumbered by the usual stresses of regular life, I was able write out a hundred questions of what was important to me which then enabled me to see deeply into my soul and gain insights about my purpose in life that I was unable to see previous to doing this exercise. For example, I've always known that I want to make a difference in peoples lives, yet have never been able to know exactly where I could make the biggest difference. Writing out 100 questions in one sitting helped me dig deeper into my soul to find out what trully was important to me. This is why when question 86 rolled out of my pen I was quite taken by surprise. I wrote; "What truths give people freedom and purpose, and allowe them to live the life that God would have them live?" I now understand that my greatest contribution will come as I dedicate myself to find and teach those truths that enable men and women everywhere to live the most fulfilling lives.

There are many intellectual gems hidden in this book, which you can mine and then use to make your life better.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Republic by Plato

Plato’s seminal work has not only helped shape the values that have guided western civilization for millennia, but the “Republic” has also continued to stay relevant over almost 2500 years despite the radical changes humanity has gone through. This only goes to prove that true principles, unlike seasonal fashions that go out of style, are rather the threads which make up the very fabric of society. We would be naked without these guiding principles.

What’s interesting to me is the fact that Plato writes this book at a time he feels that Greek civilization is in moral decay. In the “Republic” Plato goes on to explain what characteristics and principles make up a principled individual and a moral government. Plato’s ideal is for philosopher kings who are dedicated to the search and application of truth to lead and safeguard society.

Plato describes that the four principles that should govern both a virtuous man and government are; wisdom, courage, temperance, and justice. While wisdom is the principle by which one reasons and governs, courage is the principle by which one is valiant. Temperance is then the principle by which one becomes one’s own master and keeps the forces of wisdom and courage in “friendly harmony”. Justice then is the principle that governs the other three principles and keeps them in their proper place, and without which the others are unable to exist.

However my favorite part of the book is the explanation of what a philosopher king truly is. Plato, in allegorical form, explains that we are all living in a cave where we are shackled facing a wall. There are several things happening outside of the cave, but the people inside the cave are only able to see the shadows which fall on the cave walls. The leaders breaks free from those shackles, turns their backs on the cave and goes towards the light (in spite how uncomfortable it is to face the light, and know that what you have seen and have known thus far are only shadows of that which is true). Finally, the true leaders don’t just stop there. They return to the cave to enlighten those who are still unaware of the truth.

This is a classic, that will continue to stay relevant for those who wish to learn to be ethical leaders.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

President Harry Truman

President Truman is remembered for many things including; making the decision to drop the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, promotion and creation of the United Nations and NATO, decision to get involved in the Korean war, and the firing of General MacArthur. Behind all these decisions stands an extraordinary man with an extraordinary character. Although he grew up in what may be considered very ordinary circumstances, and never inherited fame or fortune through family, Truman achieved much by way of hard work and effort. Here are a few insights into his life and character that I gleaned by reading his biography written by David McCullough.

1) Great and undying desire to learn.

- Truman read voraciously and studied the lives of great people. He would one day tell a friend that he did this in order to be worthy of his wife.

- When someone asked his daughter what Truman liked the best she answered (in essence); a comfortable chair, a good reading chair, and plenty of books around him.

- Truman made it a point to always study the situation to the best of his ability before making a decision (as when he read up on what Lincoln did in considering to fire McClellan).

2) Loved and genuinely cared for people, especially his friends.

- As a captain in WWI Truman took personal interest in the men and talked to them in ways other officers didn’t. He even allowed a fellow soldier to ride his horse because of an injured leg, choosing to walk instead (which was against orders). On another occasion he loaned money to several soldiers who had the leave to go to Paris but did not have the money. Yet, he was a strict disciplinarian and never allowed anyone to get away with things.

- Truman knew each of the servants who worked at the White House, and what was going on in their lives. Alonzo Fields noted that; “[Truman] understood me as a man, not as a servant to be tolerated, and that he expected me to be a man.”

- When the Secretary of State was out of the country and his daughter was in the hospital Truman would call the hospital everyday to get a report and then relay the report to the Secretary of State.

3) Truman had integrity and virtue.

- Truman was known to have said that a man who is not honorable in his marital relations is not usually honorable in any other. Truman never put himself in a position of compromise with another woman. For instance, when invited to a meeting in a hotel room he took along a trusted friend, and when a woman in a negligee opened the door he turned around and ran away.

- Although Truman had all the opportunity to funnel public funds into his personal accounts he never stole a penny. Thus, although he never became rich, Truman always had a honorable reputation and a good name among all.

- Truman has said (in essence); do what is right for the sake of truth and honor, and not reward.

4) Concentrated hard work.

- As a farmer, Truman was ingrained with the work ethic of waking up before sunrise and working hard.

- He was always noted to be never idle, but always working.

- He was known for doing every job he took to the best of his abilities.

5) Leadership

- Was humble, unpresuming, and accessible to all.

- Truman never had a big ego. He let others take center stage, and was not threatened by the strengths of others.

- Was not intimidated to surround himself with smart people and help him accomplish his work (Acheson, Marshall, Eisenhower)

- He welcomed other’s ideas, and was not afraid of the competition these ideas offered to his own.

- A compliment that was paid Truman was that he was natural and unspoiled by high office.

I hope you get to read this book and become better acquainted with his character.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Leadership and Self Deception by the Arbinger Institute

This is a book that I highly recommend every body reads once a year. My wife gave me this book to read a couple weeks ago knowing my interest in leadership, and also because I had complained for a couple days regarding certain problems I was facing at work. The book, while not giving me a list of items to work and focus on, provided me the opportunity to reflect deeply on my own life and character. This self reflection helped me recognize some of the blinders that I had on while interacting with people around me, and as a result provided me the impetus to change the way I behaved. However, as the book explained, and as I experienced, taking the blinders off is a life long exercise!

The book's central theme is how we decieve ourselves in regards to our relationships with others, and how this self deception affects the relationships we have with family, friends, colleagues, and the random people we face every day (whether we are in the box or out). At the center of the deception is selfishness and pride which are the motivating factors that affect our daily interactions with different people. The book sheds light on how to overcome these self centered traits and to treat others as humans who have feelings, needs, and purpose just as we do.

As I have mentioned in my initial article on character based leadership-that leadership begins with and within the individual, the Arbinger Institute also point out that change must come from within ourselves. If we are able to see people around us without the blinders of self deception, we will be better leaders and better people because we are able to deal with them honestly.

Friday, May 21, 2010

MBA Programs and Ethical Pledges


There have been several articles recently (like the one above which I found on Bloomberg) in regards to an ethics pledge taken by MBA graduates. Undoubtedly, this is a response to the huge amount of anger and resentment over the recent financial meltdown which continues to shed light on the unethical decisions made at a grand scale by various parties (which includes a large contingent of past MBA graduates!) especially in the financial sector. Here is my take on it.

The first question that needs to answered is whether the MBA education itself is responsible for the irresponsible decisions made by those who hold such degrees. My answer to this question takes a middle of the road approach. Firstly, it can be said that the professional record of past MBA graduates covers the entire gamut of good to bad. Hence while the tool (MBA education) itself is not bad, the person (graduates) who uses the tool can dictate whether the tool is used for a good or bad purpose. On the other hand, (many) MBA programs in the past have not made ethics
an important part of the MBA education thus inadvertantly instilling a decision making process that is too narrow in scope. In addition to considering whether decisions make financial, operational, and strategic sense for the organization, students need to be taught to think about how their decisions impact people (individuals in and outside the firm, communities, society etc), and the environment. The fact that MBA programs worldwide are evolving to integrate ethics into the curriculum (hopefully they are not just adding one or two required ethics classes, but making ethics a part of the discussion in each class), providing the opportunity to make an ethical pledge at graduation, and providing the impetus in and out of class to have a debate about ethics (hopefully this is not a shortlived trend based on the current environment) is a step in the right direction. However, these initiatives need to be understood by the MBA community as only a first step, that much more needs to be done, and that further improvements should not be sidelined until the next crisis hits. The MBA community needs to show that their attitude towards ethics is one of being forward looking and visionary, instead of being reactionary.

So what more can be done?

Many MBA programs have dedicated programs in place to develop the leadership qualities of their students. As I have described in an earlier article/blog; leadership begins with and within the individual. This means focusing on ethical (or character based) leadership. Thus MBA programs should focus on instilling a set of principles and virtues that augment the knowledge and skill set they are instilling through their education. Students (who should already have learned these values) should (still) be taught to value time tested principles (such as honesty, integrity and charity) and not to sacrifice these for any amount of money or other personal gain. Students should be taught to evaluate how the decisions they make are a reflection of their characters, and therefore cultivate a character that is above reproach. Schools would be wise to see that students thus taught will reflect well on the schools themselves.

Secondly, ethical pledges should be augmented with serious consequences for those not abiding by them. While the ethical pledges of MBA programs have been compared to the Hippocratic oath, MBA ethical pledges lack the disciplinary measures meted out to those not abiding by the Hippocratic oath. While this may be considered absurd, such a program is already in place within the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) community. Those hoping to become a charter holder completes three rigorous exams and
promises to abide by the CFA ethical guidelines. Not abiding by these principles can result in a variety of disciplinary measures including being stripped of the charter. Imagine the same concept working for Harvard graduates (or graduates from any other MBA program)? Graduates who are found to have broken the pledge can have their MBA degree stripped from them. While this may be a bold step, and one that is
difficult to implement considering the vast number of fields MBA graduates work in, it should be something that should be seriously considered. Such a step would act as a huge deterrant to graduates tempted to make bad ethical decisions, and protect the integrity of the programs that created these graduates.